How to De-Stress After Work: 11 Tips to Unwind

How to De-Stress After Work

It’s fairly common to stress about work when you’re not at work, so don’t blame yourself. Focus instead on how to shrug off stress and enjoy your life when you’re not at work. If you are in a life threatening situation – don’t use this site.

How to De-Stress After Work

Dedicate time to hobbies

In the coming week, try to really notice your thoughts and habits as you drive home if you’re not already aware of them. By engaging in online therapy through Talkspace, you can learn valuable skills and ways to de-stress from work so you can take charge of your mental well-being. Don’t let post-work stress control your life — seek professional support from Talkspace today. Whatever the cause, job burnout can affect your physical and mental health. Here are some tips on how to know if you have job burnout and what you can do about it. To truly leave work stress behind, it’s essential to create a home environment that promotes relaxation and personal well-being.

How to De-Stress After Work

Ways to calm stress in 5 minutes or less

You can practice short versions of your favorite meditation at your desk or during a restroom break. Consider searching for music that you can listen to while you work, or, on stressful days, try to listen to your favorite tunes while going to and back from work and during your breaks. In fact, all physical activity can boost feel-good hormones such as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin.

Reframing stress

Research has found that listening to music can help lessen the stress response. High-frequency music, in particular, has been shown to increase oxytocin and lower cortisol. Evidence suggests that having some type of routine can be a great way combat the negative effects of stress. Plus, consistency helps you feel more in control and able to know what to expect. Research has indicated that the percentage of Americans who are stressed at work is high—and it’s only getting higher.

  • Treat this method of writing it out as a way of taking notes without derailing your whole workday.
  • This translates into a greater ability to let job stress stay at work and enjoy the time you have each evening and weekend to simply enjoy life.
  • Looking out a window for 5 minutes to focus on the sky, trees, birds, lights, or anything else you can look at, may also help you manage stress at work.
  • Sometimes, the best way to reduce your stress is to cut something out of your life.
  • In this case, you might want to explore time management practices that could lead you to feel more in control.
  • With the right mindset, seeing stress as enhancing, we can increase our motivation and see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than debilitating obstacles (Crum et al., 2013).
  • So it’s important to have a variety of stress relief tools at your disposal.

Sometimes, the best way to reduce your stress is to cut something out of your life. Get rid of the things that are adding to your stress so you can experience more peace. Keep in mind that there are many different ways to get more physical activity in your day too.

  • Research from 2017 found that exercise can affect the parts of the brain responsible for regulating your mood and coping with stress.
  • Workplace stress management and wellness programs can help reduce the degree and impact of stress and restore an employee’s depleted psychological resources (Tetrick & Winslow, 2015).
  • Dr. Lassen recommends keeping a “toolbox” to use in moments of stress that can include words of self-affirmation, calming or joyful pictures and a journal to help write away any negative thoughts.
  • SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
  • If you don’t have time to clean thoroughly, take this opportunity to organize items or tackle one cleaning task at a time.
  • Despite these efforts and the increasing number of employees buying into the importance of wellness, the effort is lost if you don’t actually recover.
  • However, the act of stepping away for a few minutes to make tea can be therapeutic.
  • Journaling can be as simple as setting a 5-minute timer and scribbling out your frustrations and worries.
  • Invisible stress is real, and it can build up into chronic stress.
  • Unwinding after work can help you leave behind the stresses of the workday and relax.
  • Additionally, physical activity releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones in the brain that support pain relief (Rhodes et al., 2009).

Social support is an extremely effective way to relieve stress. Ask a friend or co-worker to be a sounding board as you talk out your issues. Whether it’s to yourself or with a friend, talking can help tamper down your stress level. Yep, talking to yourself or about yourself in third person is a form of exerting self-control over negative emotions. A few laps around the block can help you forget previous tension and relax so you return to the situation calmer and more collected. It’s incredibly important to take breaks during work, even when you feel like there’s a rush to get your task at hand done.

How To Deal With Stress At Work, According To Experts

Eating nutritionally balanced foods helps your body get essential nutrients to battle stress and maintain general well-being. A proper diet can improve mood and energy levels so you’re able to cope with work-related anxiety. Improve overall mood and energy levels to cope with work stress by using essential oils of soothing fragrances like lavender or chamomile. Using essential oils for stress can generate a calming atmosphere, and research shows it can aid in reducing stress levels.

How to De-Stress After Work

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Long hours, high-pressure deadlines, constant connectivity, and the blurring of work-life boundaries are all hallmarks of many white-collar jobs. These factors can create a perfect storm of chronic stress, potentially setting the stage for heart issues like AFib. Practicing self-care and personal time management is equally important at home as it is at work.

How to De-Stress After Work

We mentioned walking earlier, but that was just a quick break. Routine exercise can help improve the way your body uses oxygen and helps you cope with stressful situations. You may be able to feel the difference as you stick to your routine. Appropriate workplace stress management (personal and organizational) helps us identify ways to control what we can and learn how to see things differently when we cannot.

If it’s unrelated to anything, maybe it’s a sign your mind and body need a break. It can curl up inside you and grow like a Chia Pet until all the sprouts have grown out of control. Sometimes stress can manifest into physical symptoms, like temporary hives, one-day headaches, or long-term weight gain. Use the One-Hour Stress how to destress after work Plan worksheet when stressed to plan and work through what you can in 60 minutes. At the end of the hour, you will have progressed and can repeat the exercise as many times as you like (modified from Bregman, 2014). We must recognize that some degree of stress is crucial to our personal and professional growth.